Roland, Schorr, and Tower Turns 18
Yes, folks, time to bring out the noise makers, party hats, and colorful balloons, Roland, Schorr and ...
Yes, folks, time to bring out the noise makers, party hats, and colorful balloons, Roland, Schorr and ...
Amid the roar of complaints, three items have floated up to the surface the last week or so. Here are words about those three ...
You’ve all no doubt seen the announcement from Microsoft of the new slate of Surfaces released about the same ...
How to start this article? Maybe “Office, Office, Bo-Boffice, Banana-Fana-Fo-Foffice, Fee-Fi-Mo-Moffice”…or, how about “The article you’re about to read is true, then names have been changed to protect the innocent…” Yes, ...
Within this new coronavirus crisis, many companies are implementing mandatory or voluntary working from home procedures, some never having done this before. Some businesses might feel like you’re less productive and less visible from home. In light of that, here ...
Roland, Schorr, and Tower takes client security with utmost seriousness. As such, we have recently decided to engage the A/V services ...
Are you Preparing your business to operate during a possible coronavirus outbreak? We have received several calls from clients concerned about recent events surrounding the coronavirus and how it ...
No one has more incentive to provide you with reliable and long-lasting computer hardware than a managed services provider (MSP). Think about ...
Y'all no doubt noticed that there was no new blog post last week. The reason for this is that your humble author was busy attempting to get ready for his upcoming trip to ...
Roland Schorr & Tower is proud to announce its acquisition of KronisTek IT Solutions, a Seattle based Managed Services Company. Through this strategic partnership, we are excited to bring the same best-in-class Managed IT, Cloud, Consulting ...