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Does BYOD Factor Into Your Exit Process?

"I use my personal computer for work as well and work uses exchange and many of my contacts got stored in the work exchange contact list and I am no longer with ...

Cyber Security for Real People - Part 2

O.K., so this is part 2 of a series I'm going to do on cyber security tips for folks who aren't in the CIA. Absolute security may be a pipe dream but ...

Not Quite Jarvis...But Getting There.

This morning I walked into my office, and as I approached my desk I said "Hey Cortana". My desktop twitched to life and a ...

Cyber Security for Real People - Part 1

By popular request this is the first post in what will be a series giving steps and tips for how real people can improve ...

Don't Be Hollywood Presbyterian

Recently Hollywood Presbyterian hospital got hit by ransomware that shut down a number of key systems and required them to pay more than $17,000 ...

Working Without A Keyboard On The Surface Pro 4

I recently attended the Microsoft Cloud Conference in Los Angeles and was taken slightly aback to discover that the seating was basically lecturing style, which meant no tables or surfaces for typing. Since I like to take notes it meant ...

Roll Your Own Office 365 Encryption

Office 365 encrypts email between the client and the server automatically, so the odds of getting hacked on an airplane like the reporter who was using Earthlink (Earthlink?) for email claims to have been are pretty slim if you're using ...